Practical steps to End the Series of Depression Cycles

Practical steps to End the Series of Depression Cycles without medication

Fit yourself the feat of gaining a full and apt comprehension of depression and all its emotional accomplices to neutralize all triggers that keep redirecting you to the feelings of hopelessness, nothingness, and sadness. With this book, you’ll be exposed to an exclusive knowledge of how to overthrow depression without having to spend a dime on medication and medical consultation.

Practical steps to End the Series of Depression Cycles

In a nutshell, this book helps you to:
– understand what depression is all about
– clearly distinguish between sadness and depression
– gain clarity on the symptoms of depression in men, women, adults, teens, and children
– decode the hidden signs of depression
– understand how to use mindfulness to tackle depression
– focus on how to transform your melancholic state to gaiety
– know how to harness your inner resilience and beef up your emotional and mental well-being to fight depression
– live in the moment, appreciating life and its vicissitudes
– know when to seek for a professional help

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Product Details

Author: Sajid Inayat
File Size:
1947 KB
Print Length: 35 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: April 19, 2020
Language: English
ASIN: B0874Z9G2G
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled