Daughters of Dementia

Daughters of Dementi Cover for Kindle 1

Leslie and Lindsey are sisters who felt compelled to share personal and revealing stories about their father as he fell deeper and deeper into the tragic memory robbing abyss called Dementia. The two sisters narrate their experiences born from different perspectives, but very much driven from the same heart.

Daughters_of_Dementi_Cover_for_Kindle (1)


Product details

  • File Size: 2563 KB
  • Print Length: 110 pages
  • Publication Date: May 8, 2018
  • Language: English
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled carrot. CB192251235
  • X-Ray:
    Not Enabled carrot. CB192251235
  • Word Wise: Enabled
  • Lending: Not Enabled
  • Screen Reader: Supported carrot. TTD
  • Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled carrot. CB192251235