The financial habits you develop today will affect the future you. Today, if you spend money as soon as you get it, chances are that financial freedom is a distant…
Category: Education & Teaching
Whispers of Heaven: And other Spiritual Adventures from the Ancient City
Does your soul long for a sign that God is loving and understanding of your challenges and supports you to be the best of yourself?Then you seek a Whisper of…
Power of the Mind: Positive Attitude, Factors influence mood, Mind is God
The way your life develops and the decisions you make throughout your years depend directly on how your mind processes information and thoughts. In fact, it all started as thoughts…
You Are Going To Die: (And That’s Okay)
Who knew there were so many angles to the topic of death? People live, someday they’ll die, seems pretty cut and dry. But no, there’s a myriad considerations of when…