J. Stanion’s Creative Process: From Research to Storytelling

J. Stanion

At that point in time J. Stanion first uncovered her great-grandfather’s century-old manuscript, she knew she was holding a piece of family history, but she didn’t anticipate it would be the catalyst for her award-winning and bestselling book My Place Among Them. What started as a personal project turned into a full-fledged writing career, with her creative process deeply rooted in meticulous research and storytelling. The novel, which explores the U.S. government’s assimilation of Indigenous children, has since earned critical acclaim, multiple awards, and a place on bestseller lists.

J. Stanion

Research as the Foundation of Storytelling

Stanion’s journey as a historical fiction writer began with a commitment to accuracy. She couldn’t just rely on her great-grandfather’s manuscript to tell the whole story of John Iron Horse, a Lakota boy who survived the Wounded Knee massacre. To ensure historical precision, Stanion immersed herself in research, reaching out to experts and tribal elders to verify details. “When wording or descriptions conflicted with modern depictions of events or cultural practices, I reached out to tribal elders and other Lakota references for confirmation,” she explained.

Her research process extended beyond books and family records. She dove into the world of Indigenous culture, exploring oral histories and cross-referencing her great-grandfather’s accounts with contemporary sources. This dedication to research became the bedrock of My Place Among Them, adding layers of authenticity to the story.

From Historical Facts to Fictional Worlds

Turning facts into a compelling narrative is no small feat, but it’s where Stanion’s creative process truly shines. Once she had completed her research, the challenge was transforming the detailed history into a story that would captivate readers. “I wanted the story to reflect both the emotional and historical truths of that time,” she said, emphasizing the importance of emotional depth in historical fiction.

Stanion’s ability to blend history with human emotion is one of the reasons her novel has resonated so strongly with readers. She understands that characters are the key to engaging an audience, and by focusing on the personal struggles of John Iron Horse, she brought the broader historical events to life in an accessible and moving way.

Crafting Relatable Characters

In crafting her characters, Stanion drew from her own experiences as a teacher and from the rich historical context she had researched. Her background in education allowed her to create characters who felt real, relatable, and emotionally complex. Reflecting on this, Stanion noted, “I have a deep reservoir of memories of real people from my time in the educational system that serves as a resource for the characters in my book.”

This blend of personal experience and historical research resulted in a cast of characters that resonate with readers on an emotional level, drawing them into the world of John Iron Horse and the historical circumstances he faces.

Awards and Critical Acclaim

Since its release, My Place Among Them has earned significant recognition for its masterful storytelling and historical accuracy. The novel has received several prestigious awards, including:

  • 2024 BREW Seal of Excellence
  • 2024 Silver Medal Global Book Award for Cultural Heritage Fiction
  • 2024 Pencraft Award for Best Book for Fiction – Cultural
  • Finalist in the 2023 Laramie Book Awards novel competition for Americana Fiction
  • Finalist in the 2023 Goethe Book Awards novel competition for Post-1750s Historical Fiction
  • 2023 BREW Fiction Book Excellence Award for Political Fiction of the Year
  • 2023 NYC Big Book Award Winner for Cultural Heritage
  • 2023 Outstanding Creator Awards Top 25 Ranked Non-Fiction Books
  • Second Place in the 2023 Incipere Book Award for Historical Clean category
  • 2023 HFC “Highly Recommended” 5-Star Award

These accolades reflect the success of Stanion’s approach to writing—one that emphasizes thorough research, emotional storytelling, and an unwavering commitment to historical truth.

Experience the Story Behind the History

J. Stanion’s My Place Among Them is a powerful blend of research and storytelling, offering readers an emotionally resonant and historically accurate novel. If you’re looking for a story that seamlessly weaves history with human emotion, this book is for you.

Step into the world of John Iron Horse and experience history like never before. Buy My Place Among Them today! Available on Amazon or visit www.jstanion.com to learn more about J. Stanion’s creative process and her literary journey.

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