Leading in the First Person

Leadership Tips: What You should Always Do

More than dealing with the complexity of the challenge is dealing with change. In a competitive environment where products are always more commoditized, brands become more and more the expression of an experience that improves people’s lives or not.

In this context, the services provided and the contacts with the teams (people you lead) have become the great differentials of the leading companies.

To address this scenario, leadership tips could not be clearer: overcome the indifference of your staff in the service and know how to face the frequent changes in the market, offering the best for your customers. On leadership topic, our most recommended reading is “Leading in the First Person” by Shawn Abrams.

Leadership tips, what you should always do:

Accept suggestions, opinions and ideas

Then analyze them and give feedback on why you accepted or not. This will make your team increasingly innovative and creative, as well as showing your tolerance and open-mindedness.

Know what the group expects of you

Does your team just want you to delegate roles and control their performance? What else do they need? Training, coaching, integration, clearer feedbacks, more inspiring challenges, more frequent meetings, understanding the mission of the company, getting to know you better? Talk to the team and find out what they miss.

Understand the profile of each employee

Different profiles of people lead to different performances in different roles and tasks. There are 4 basic profiles: Analytical, Entrepreneurs, Expressive, and Integrators, who love to integrate people and nurture relationships. For each one, assign a different task and challenge!

Be the example

If you require punctuality, be the first to arrive. If you believe that lack technical knowledge in the group, enable yourself in this area too. Of course you cannot master all the subjects, but you have to lead by example.

Behave with balance

Not only emotional balance, but balance when praising good performances or criticizing mistakes etc. Remember: it is not by chance that the symbol of justice is a scale.

Leading in the First Person

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Product Details

Author: Shawn Abrams
File Size:
2928 KB
Print Length: 102 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Shawn Abrams (July 27, 2018)
Publication Date: July 27, 2018
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #222,943 Paid in Kindle Store