Are you looking for something new to read? We’ve got you covered. The Realm of Wolves is a very interesting book, bringing you a very engaging story. It comprises everything to convert your boredom into a true entertainment. It revolves around a few characters who are in a race to rule the kingdom. A king wants to kill his son, a son tries to dethrone his father and a daughter struggling to dethrone her husband to rule her own planet.
Here’s the amazon book description:
‘’The three kingdoms had been at war before and it almost destroyed them. Peace has reigned for hundreds of years, the prophecy came true. The king stood there surprised at looking at his son. He should have been killed a long time ago. This time he was not going to let that happen. Father and son were going to end this one way or another but it was going to end.’’
If you want to read something imaginative, this book is the right choice your money can buy. From start to end, it keeps your interest alive. The characters are a very inventive, providing you with a fully adventurous story. It’s full thrilling twists and turns that will take you to another world. It’s an amazing sci-fi novel that you’ll love reading time and time again. Give this book a try and I bet you won’t have any regrets buying this book.
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Product Details
Author; Chris Parrott
File Size: 583 KB
Print Length: 241 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: October 20, 2017
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #284,471 Paid in Kindle Store